Our therapists provide a comprehensive evaluation to examine key components of movement including: strength, range of motion, flexibility, balance, posture, body mechanics, coordination, and endurance. We combine our thorough observation and standardized assessment of a child’s current abilities with the parents’ concerns and goals for their child to develop a personalized physical therapy plan to address the child’s individual needs. Our knowledgeable and skilled therapists will implement each plan with selected interventions that may include but are not limited to the following treatment techniques:
- Gross motor skill development
- Therapeutic exercise
- Strengthening programs
- Aquatics
- LiteGait Training/ Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training
- Kinesiotaping
- Selection and implementation of appropriate orthoses/bracing
- Selection and implementation of appropriate mobility equipment
- Infant massage
- Serial casting
- F.I.T. Kids + (Functional Interval Training)
- Orthopedic rehabilitation and return to play programming
- Neurodevelopmental facilitation